by Jacob Forrest | Jun 8, 2020 | Appreciating Beauty & Wonder, Articles, Essay Opportunities, Members-Only Content
Call for entries – July 2020 July’s theme is: Appreciating Beauty & Wonder In anticipation of our July content, the essay question is: In your estimation, what scene, dialog between characters, or some other special event in Tolkien’s Legendarium...
by Jacob Forrest | May 6, 2020 | Articles, Discover Hope!, Essay Opportunities, Members-Only Content
Essay – June 2020 Theme: Discover Hope! June’s theme is: Discover Hope! In anticipation of our June content, the essay question is: In your estimation, what scene in The Lord of the Rings supplies the most stunning shift from dark despair to amazing hope?...
by Jacob Forrest | Apr 7, 2020 | Articles, Essay Opportunities, Members-Only Content
Essay – May 2020 Theme: The Water and the Music May’s theme is: The Water and the Music. In anticipation of our May content, the essay question is: What is the most captivating water scene in Tolkien’s Legendarium? Reflect on that one scene—perhaps a...
by Jacob Forrest | Apr 3, 2020 | Downloads
The power of story. Enjoy these quotes . . . and appreciate them all the more as you recall how they fit into their individual stories. DOWNLOAD THEM...
by Jacob Forrest | Mar 24, 2020 | Articles, Essay Opportunities, Members-Only Content
Essay – April 2020 Theme: Life in the Shire Essay writers, we invite your responses! April’s theme is: Life in the Shire. In anticipation of our April content, the essay question is: “If you could visit one Shire place with one Shire character, where...
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