Essay – April 2020 Theme: Life in the Shire

Essay writers, we invite your responses!

April’s theme is: Life in the Shire. In anticipation of our April content, the essay question is:

“If you could visit one Shire place with one Shire character, where and with whom would you visit? And why?”


We look forward to reading and sharing your essays with the Eucatastrophe fellowship!

Please respond in 500 words or less by April 5.

Submit your essay here:

With my submission, I agree that if my essay is selected, I will allow my work to be edited if/as needed and published by the Eucatastrophe team at their discretion. I also agree to not hold Eucatastrophe liable/responsible for any slanderous feedback, critical repercussions, or injury of any kind. I offer my writing willingly, free of charge, out of pure joy as a Tolkien-like sub-creator.

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