Monday Motivation

October 2018 Bundle Monday Motivation By John Elton Pletcher I am not uproariously excited about going back to work most Mondays, and I know I am not alone. We might take heart today by pondering one rather quirky word, unique to J.R.R. Tolkien. Working with Words...

Farmer Maggot’s Mushrooms

October 2018 BUndle Farmer Maggot’s Mushrooms Marinated Mushrooms with Honey and Sage) by Emily Wert @QueenNellie1 Earthy mushrooms are marinated in a fusion of fresh sage, honey, and olive oil. Yield: 8 cups 2 shallots, finely chopped2 garlic cloves, minced1/2 cup...

Bilbo’s Birthday Cake

October 2018 BUndle Bilbo’s Birthday Cake by Emily Wert @QueenNellie1 Double Recipe Pound Cake: 1 cup (2 stick) butter1 cup shortening (butter-flavor)4 cups sugar 8 eggs 1 tsp baking soda 2 cup buttermilk 6 cups flour 1/4 tsp salt 4 tsp lemon extract 2 tsp vanilla...