Tolkien’s Hope-filled Wonder
by John Pletcher
The Professor’s Legendarium launches us onto action-packed paths, full of suspenseful adventure. But there is so much more afoot as we head out with the Company.
Join John Pletcher, a lover of literature and all things Tolkien, as he interviews John Sowers, a fellow-lover of Tolkien, a creative author, and a thoughtful activist (John founded the Mentoring Project).
Enjoy these rich insights on Tolkien’s hope-filled wonder.
Tolkien’s Hope-filled Wonder
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I’m glad you brought up March 25th! March 25th in the Liturgical Year we celebrate the Holy Feast of the Annunciation! Blessed Jacopo de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, wrote in 1275 in the Year of Our Lord that March 25th is day of great reverence: first, the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Second, it was the day in which Adam, the first man, committed Original Sin. And as St. Michael the Archangel banished Adam and Eve from Paradise, they were shown the Conception of Our Lord to Glorious Blessed Virgin Mary. Finally, as you all pointed out, it is day when Our Lord was crucified for the sins we committed. Tolkien knew his Sacred History. He knew that it was the Annunciation that our story of Redemption would begin when God the Son was made Man. Just as Frodo destroyed the Ring on March 25th, the Holy Feast of the Annunciation in which the Incarnation took place would undo the Sin committed by our first parents, Adam and Eve. Deo Gratias!
You’re mistaking applicability with allegory. Tolkien was against conscious and intentional allegory. Earlier drafts did not have it be the 25 March even. There’s no connexion here.