by Dan Cruver | Nov 25, 2020 | Articles, Dan Cruver, Gollum and Gratitude, Members-Only Content, Themes, Tolkien Authors
Gollum, Gandalf, and Gratitude by Dan Cruver This particular Tolkien quotation is plastered all over the internet: “Not all those who wander are lost.” It originates in a poem that Bilbo wrote after meeting Aragorn, a poem that appears twice in The Lord of the Rings....
by John Pletcher | Nov 18, 2020 | Dan Cruver, Gollum and Gratitude, Members-Only Content, Tolkien Authors
SLAYING MONSTERS This week we bring a fascinating article back from the archives. Originally written in July of 2015, this one bears a read again this month during our Gratitude theme! *Note: both J.R.R. Tolkien and Beowulf were orphans (see approx. 2nd and 38th...
by John Pletcher | Nov 11, 2020 | Gollum and Gratitude, Interviews, Lisa Coutras, Members-Only Content, Themes, Video
Gollum and Gratitude – Interview with Lisa Coutras Interview by Dan Cruver and John Pletcher Lisa Coutras Lisa Coutras is a theology scholar, author, and speaker. She holds a Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies from King’s College London in an M.Th. in...
by John Pletcher | Oct 21, 2020 | Dan Cruver, Deep with the Balrogs in Khazad-dûm, John Pletcher, Joseph Pearce, Members-Only Content, Tolkien Authors, Video
On the Topic of Balrogs! Zoom Interview – Dan Cruver, John Pletcher and Joseph Pearce Joseph Pearce is Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. A native of England, Mr. Pearce is Director of Book Publishing at the Augustine Institute, editor of...
by John Pletcher | Oct 7, 2020 | Articles, Deep with the Balrogs in Khazad-dûm, John Pletcher, Members-Only Content, Themes, Tolkien Authors
In the Depths on the Bridge with the Balrog by John Pletcher Doom, doom, doom. Haunting booms rumble from below. The fiery whip and fleeing Fellowship. A resolute Wizard. Alas, Gandalf slips into the abyss. As readers encounter one of the most famous scenes in all of...
by John Pletcher | Sep 30, 2020 | Articles, Back to School with the Professor, John Pletcher, Members-Only Content, Themes, Tolkien Authors
Ten facts about Professor Tolkien at School (part 2) by John Pletcher In part 1, we saw our first five facts. We highlighted Tolkien’s creative writing at an early age. Plus, we considered his mother’s big impact on such early cultivation. We reviewed school locations...
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