by Eucatastrophe | Apr 29, 2020 | Life in the Shire, Submissions, Themes
Of the many charming places I wish to visit in the Shire, my first choice would be Hobbiton. My preferred companion of the day would be Rosie Gamgee née Cotton. I wouldn’t complain of meeting any of our beloved and most famous hobbits, but I fancy that to have a...
by Eucatastrophe | Apr 29, 2020 | Life in the Shire, Submissions, Themes
“Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient people, more numerous formerly than they are today; for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt….As for the Hobbits of the Shire, with whom these...
by Eucatastrophe | Apr 29, 2020 | Life in the Shire, Submissions, Themes
Crack! “Dang it.” Crack! “Ah, there it is.” The flame roars to life from freshly dried tobacco leaves in my third-generation pipe. The sun sets behind rows of corn, nearly dusk now, as the fireflies begin their evening dance. I pull out my daily farm journal, a...
by Eucatastrophe | Apr 22, 2020 | Life in the Shire, Submissions, Themes
Every journey begins with that first fateful step. It’s a dangerous business. But, as many a Hobbit has discovered, those risky comings and goings are often fruitful despite the odds. When the Hobbits returned to the Shire in The Return of the King, they thought...
by Eucatastrophe | Apr 22, 2020 | Life in the Shire, Submissions, Themes
If I could call on one character at the Shire, I would visit Bilbo Baggins at Bag End at Bagshot Row. He is rather like me in that he is eccentric but also fun. Would that I could read the real Red Book: translations, lays, and so much more! I would also love to see...
by Eucatastrophe | Apr 22, 2020 | Life in the Shire, Submissions, Themes
As I wake, the sun rays shine upon me. Inside my little hobbit hole, I open the windows and smell my flowers that I have grown so tediously. I prepare breakfast. Poached eggs on toast, perfectly timed to perfection. Soon after, I take a walk around the Shire, keeping...
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