Mad Hope

Mad Hope

Hope is manifested in many forms. One moment, hope is presented as a nagging insistence that cannot be dismissed, or perhaps a wild rush of emotion coupled with fear, or maybe a shying away from the notion that it could be too could to be true. Or it might come in its...
Mad Hope

Despair or Folly?

Despair? ‘Despair or folly?’ said Gandalf. ‘It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt.’ How can we dismiss such words from one of the Wise? We can because there was so much at stake. The rediscovery of...
A Rosie Day

A Rosie Day

​Of the many charming places I wish to visit in the Shire, my first choice would be Hobbiton. My preferred companion of the day would be Rosie Gamgee née Cotton. I wouldn’t complain of meeting any of our beloved and most famous hobbits, but I fancy that to have a...